

Ancient Wisdom + Modern World


Indigena (501c3 Non-Profit) aims to share the wisdom from Indigenous traditional knowledge keepers, in order to bring solutions to global environmental and community challenges. The core of their action lies into bringing to life site-specific activations destined to spread the knowledge of ancient tribes around the Earth.

Stories shape our world, tell us who we are, what is important, and how we should behave. Ancient stories bring knowledge, experience, and cannot be left to disappear. Coming on board as creative directors for the foundation, our absolute priority was to make sure Indigena’s vital mission of preservation could be told, and understood, as simply as possible.

Getting to the essence of the message, clarifying the way the information is sent out and perceived, is a recurring challenge for many organizations. Non-profits, in particular, must grab their prospective donors’ attention instantly, with clearly laid-out purpose, facts and ways to get involved.

Our objective to present Indigena’s successes and upcoming challenges with simplicity and clarity in mind resulted in a website governed by a natural flow: key information is easily found, supported by beautiful images of our planet and the foundation's work. We followed the same philosophy when creating simple, to-the-point yet beautiful fundraising presentations, in order for Indigena to further its reach and impact around the world.


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